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Brown Sugar Body Scrub



2/3 cup Brown Sugar, packed

1/3 – 1/2 cup Almond Oil

1/2 tsp. of Vitamin E45-60 drops of Fragrance or Essential Oil 



Mix almond oil, Vitamin E and fragrance or essential oil together in a glass bowl.

Add the brown sugar and mix in well.





Divvy up into jars and have a great time using it!


Make Your Own


Beauty Bath



1kg Barley

1kg Bran

1kg Oatmeal

1kg Brown Rice

500g Bay Leaves

500g dried Lavender Flowers



Boil all of these ingredients in four quarts of rainwater for sixty minutes, then strain the mixture. Use 2 quarts of the liquid for each tub of bathwater. An extra rinse after this herbal bath is unnecessary and would deprive you of some of its benefits. Follow it with a vigorous towel drying.


Makes an invigorating bath!


Handmade Soap



Double boiler

Glycerin soap base

Essential oil

Wooden spoon

Soap moulds

Additives (food coloring, moisturizers, vitamins - optional)

Cooking spray

Dried herbs or flowers (optional)



1.Add a small amount of water to a double boiler, and bring it to a boil.

2.Add your desired amount of soap base to the top section of the double boiler. It takes several chunks of soap base to make one bar of natural, homemade soap.

3. Cover the double boiler, and melt the soap base over low heat. Stir it gently and infrequently, so as not to introduce air into the mixture.

4. Mix in your desired additives once the soap base has melted. Add fragrance to your soap with several drops of your favorite essential oil, stirring the essential oil into the mixture until it is no longer cloudy. Add several drops of food coloring to your soap if desired, as well as any moisturizers or vitamins. Stir gently and thoroughly.

5. Spray some soap molds with cooking spray to prevent the soap from sticking. If desired, add dried flowers or herbs into the empty molds to decorate the soaps.

6. Pour the soap base mixture into the soap molds. Allow the soap to cool and harden completely, which takes approximately three hours.

7. Remove the soap from the molds once it has hardened.



Scented Candle



Candle (paraffin) wax             

Tabbed wick

Double boiler      

 Glass jar

Candle or soap dye                                                         

Ice cream stick or pencil

Fragrance oil (Do not use essential oils to make scented candles. The scent will not last in a candle. Use only fragrance oils made specifically for candles, potpourri and other crafts)

Thermometer                                                                 Newspaper

Metal pouring container



METHOD – Using a Mould

1.Bring a few cups of water to a boil in the bottom of a double boiler.

2. Add the desired amount of wax to the top of the double boiler. Allow the wax to melt completely.

3. Add a few shavings/drops of candle or soap dye directly to the wax. Add a few drops of fragrance oil.(Use as much or as little as you want). Mix into the wax well.

4. Check the temp of the wax using a thermometer. ( It should be around 180 degrees C ) Remove from heat once it reaches this

5. Place the wick inside the glass or jar with the tabbed end resting in the bottom. Pour a tablespoon of wax inside to hold the wick in place. Allow the wax to solidify around the wick.

6. Attach the popsicle stick or pencil to the other end of the wick. Tie it around and rest the stick/pencil on top of the glass/jar. This will keep the wick in place while the wax is poured and hardens.

7. Lay out newspaper to keep wax from adhering to your work area. Place the wicked jars on the newspaper. Transfer the wax onto the metal pouring container and then pour into the jar.

8. Poke 2 or 3 holes in the wax around the wick. ( this prevents air pockets from buiding up in the wax ).As the candle begins to harden the middle will sink and you will need to add a bit more wax on top of it.

9. Remove the popsicle stick or pencl from the wick once the candle has completely hardened. This usually takes about 3 hours or more. Trim the wick to desired size.



                             Light and enjoy!

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Deelish Life 'n Style 2013



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