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Through the Looking Glass



By Neeran Naidoo B.Optom (UDW) FOA(SA) CAS(NECO-USA) M.Optom (UKZN) – Execuspecs Optometrists Gateway


Since the time of the Pharaohs and Pyramids of Giza; we have come to appreciate the massive role that the Sun has played in the lives of society at large.


Sunlight has been considered by many a source of radiation that needs to be avoided to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Whilst excessive exposure can indeed lead to various forms of cancer as well as cataracts; sunlight may also have many hidden benefits.


A growing body of research indicates that exposure to sunlight stimulates the release of mood-lifting neuro-chemicals in the brain. This means that when we sit out in the sun for short periods of time our body produces a natural anti-depressant called serotonin.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is considered to be a type of depression  that affects millions of people during the Winter months. This is due to the shorter days and reduced exposure to sunlight. This is often the same period in which suicide rates are higher. In certain Nordic countries citizens are encouraged to use yellow tinted light bulbs to simulate sunlight in their home environment. Others wear yellow tinted spectacle lenses to attempt to increase serotonin release.


Humanity at large has evolved in many ways over thousands of years. We all seek instant gratification and the next quick fix. Any pill that could possibly alleviate our symptoms is taken without a second thought. The animal kingdom on the other hand has had minimal intervention in terms of medical care and yet is has evolved and adapted over centuries. It may be to our benefits to sometimes consider spending a few moments basking in the sunlight rather than popping yet another pill to start feeling good about life.


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